Thursday 8 November 2012

Website Analysis - Katy Perry

This is the home page website for Katy Perry.

Katy Perry is represented by the majority of images that we see are all of herself. This is a generic convention of an artist in the pop genre, that the images that we see are not based upon the music but ore based upon the image of the artist.

The technology that is used is all social networking i.e. Facebook, Twitter. However there are also links to iTunes, Spotify and Youtube, these are places that have the artists music. This is used for promotion as it targets a wider audience that can have the choice of using a variety of sites to access the artists music.

The colour scheme is all bright colours which is what is expected from Katy Perry, because that is what expected from the pop genre. The style of the site tells us that the artist is very creative as we can an image of the stage costume that she wears.

There is very little written about the artist because the information about her is in the different links that will take you to where the information is.

The font is quite bold when it wants to promote her single, but smaller font for anything else such as the Sign Up button for a newsletter. The overall layout says that the main part of the artists image is that it seems more about the artist than the actual music, which is what is expected from Katy Perry because she is known for the creative costumes.

The techniques that are used to target the audience is that the artist is clearly identified and the style of her website targets the certain audience it is she is aiming for (Teens/Young adults).

The advertisements are suitable for the target audience is that there is links to social networking, which is where most young people spend time on. There is also promotion for her latest single and where you can get  it from, but also it has a link to Youtube which is a place where people can watch the video.

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