Monday 26 November 2012

Information for each film shoot

This is the information about what is needed on each of the days of filming. There is the different shots, which actors, props and costumes that are needed, and finally there is also the date, time and location of each of the filming days. 

Field – Actual Performance

Date: 1/12/2012
Time: 11-4
Location: Field next to – Rose Cottage
                                    Cat & Fiddle Lane
                                    West Hallam
                                    DE7 6HD

Actors needed: guitarist, drummer, and singer
Props needed: guitar, microphone, microphone stand and drums
Costumes: smart/casual, indie


Close up singer
Close up drummer
Close up drums
Close up down guitar threat
Close up guitar
Mid shot singer
Mid shot guitarist
Mid shot drummer
Long shot whole band 

Cathedral – Narrative

Date: 2/12/2012
Time: 7:30 – 9:30
Location: 18-19
            Iron Gate
            DE1 3GP

Actors needed: the guy, the robot and the owl
Props needed: 2 chairs, sheets to cover posters, Lego, ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign, toy bow & arrow, bow & arrow, Hedwig
Costumes: Robot, owl, casual guy


Long shot guy walking downstairs
Long shot/Mid shot/track guy walking down corridor
Point of view corridor walk
Long shot guy going to open door, then going to the next one, then finally going inside one door
Mid shot guy opening door & panning to the room with the robot
Point of view of a room (Lego, Owl, etc.)
Over the shoulder of a room (empty room)
Mid shot guy going to sit on adjacent chair to robot
Close up guy sitting next to robot smirking
Close up guy waking/sobering up, thinking he is strange
Mid shot guy getting out of the room
Mid shot guy getting out of the corridor
Long shot guy running up stairs

Guitar Hero Performance

Date: 16/12/2012
Time: 11-4
Location: Rose Cottage
                        Cat & Fiddle Lane
                        West Hallam
                        De7 6HD

Actors needed: guitarist, singer and drummer
Props needed: guitar hero guitar, guitar hero microphone and guitar hero drum
Costumes: ‘Nerdy’, hoodies, casual


Close up singer
Close up drummer
Close up drum controllers
Close up guitarist
Close up guitar threat
Close up guitar
Mid shot singer
Mid shot drummer
Mid shot T.V.
Long shot whole band
Pan from band to T.V.

Close up T.V remote being sat on
Long shot of band confused to T.V being turned off
Close up on T.V remote being pressed so the channel changes
Mid shot of T.V being turned off
Mid shot of T.V with the news and adverts, then its getting changed to the game

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