Thursday 8 November 2012

Website Analysis - Arctic Monkeys

This is the website for Arctic Monkeys.

The band logo is in the top left hand corner which is easily can be identified as the bands main logo. Apart from the bands logo there is no images of the band that can be seen. This links in with the generic conventions of the band's genre which is indie/rock. With this particular genre, there tends not to be any images of the artists, it is mainly about their music.

The media technology that is used for promotion is the social networking link for twitter in which people can follow the band. There is also the video of the band doing a live performance which is taking up the majority of the band's home-page.

The colour and the style that is used for the band's website is just the use of two colours which is the font being in black and the background in a beige colour. This shows that the band are less focused on the image of the band and more about the quality of the music more than anything.

There is very little information about the band apart from the recent news. The recent news section of the website just allows there targeted audience to read about what it is the band are currently up to or been up to.

The use of a large font for the name of the band and a larger font for the headlines of the recent news about the band. This constructs the idea that they are more focused about their music and less about their image which is what is expected from the rock/indie genre.

The techniques that are used to target the audience is by having links to other parts of the site where the targeted audience can find more information about the band, and also there is the video of them performing live, which shows the audience what they are like live.

There is very minimal advertisement for the band, there is just the recent news up date, but it is suitable for their targeted audience as the audience are there to listen to the bands music.

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