Thursday 8 November 2012

Website Analysis - Boyce Avenue

This is the website for Boyce Avenue.

The band is clearly represented by having an image of the band on the home-page, this is the generic convention of the pop genre. The music that they produce is indie/pop and the outfits that the band are wearing fit in with the generic convention of indie style.

The media technology that they use is sign up for the bands newsletter, which will keep people up to date on what the band are currently doing, there is also a box about twitter that includes the recent twitter updates that the band has made, a list of the upcoming tours, and there is also an App that can be downloaded about the band that is promoted.

With the colour and the style of the site it tells us that the band are quite relaxed and the music that they produce is very chilled, nothing about their music is upbeat and fast.

The written style on the website is that it is very limited, everything about the band is in the links bar at the top of the screen. This makes it easier to access certain information about the band.

At the top of the screen the  font for the name of the band is a large font which makes it easy to identify the name of the band and underneath there is the name of their most recent album.  The layout is simplistic which reflect the music of the band, they are known for their acoustic covers of songs.

The way in which they target their audience is not only by the use of links to social networking sites, information about tours but they also have a link which allows people to visit their online store so they buy some of their merchandise.

With the advertisements, the band advertise their most recent album by putting the title of it underneath their name on the home-page, there is also the merchandise that can be accessed through their online store.

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