Monday 5 November 2012

Identifying the ideas for our digipak

On the front of the digipak, we would like there to be an image of the band (that are in the music video)and they will be holding or standing by the guitar hero instruments. This would mean that they are clearly identifiable and would be able to target the certain audience.  The colour scheme that we have considered using is that of either a neutral scheme, due to the influence of their recent album ‘Some Nights’ or a colour scheme that uses a lot of bright, vibrant colours that are present on their first album ‘Aim & Ignite’. Due to the song being quite an upbeat, fast-paced song which means that the colour scheme is more likely to be that of the vibrant colours to imitate the song.

With the back of the digipak the idea for it is that of guitar hero which is the basis for the first and last shots of the music video itself. The layout would be of high score board with the name of the band's different songs, being the name of the player and the score would be the length of each song. 
The meaning for this, is to keep that idea of still being in the game, which links in with the conceptual elements of the music video. 

The CD itself will be half of the robot that is featured in the music video and the other half of the CD will have the woman that the man thought he was seeing. We thought of doing this because it's simple yet effective. It's simple because it's only the robot and the woman, it's effective because it links in with the elements of the music video and this confused man's vision into what he sees. 

On the inside sleeve of the digipak it will feature the band again however instead of having the guitar hero instruments they will have the actual instruments. This will sell the artist as they will be promoted as being a band that can actually play instruments and that they make their own music. 

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