Thursday 29 November 2012

Starting the digipak

This is the digipak fonts and text that we will probably be using for our digipak. The font that we will use will be consistent throughout the whole digipak. On the front of the digipak there will be an image of the band and there will also be an image of the band on the inside cover of the digipak.

Weather - 2 days before

A weather update: Its going to be partially sunny and cloudy.

Monday 26 November 2012

Information for each film shoot

This is the information about what is needed on each of the days of filming. There is the different shots, which actors, props and costumes that are needed, and finally there is also the date, time and location of each of the filming days. 

Field – Actual Performance

Date: 1/12/2012
Time: 11-4
Location: Field next to – Rose Cottage
                                    Cat & Fiddle Lane
                                    West Hallam
                                    DE7 6HD

Actors needed: guitarist, drummer, and singer
Props needed: guitar, microphone, microphone stand and drums
Costumes: smart/casual, indie


Close up singer
Close up drummer
Close up drums
Close up down guitar threat
Close up guitar
Mid shot singer
Mid shot guitarist
Mid shot drummer
Long shot whole band 

Cathedral – Narrative

Date: 2/12/2012
Time: 7:30 – 9:30
Location: 18-19
            Iron Gate
            DE1 3GP

Actors needed: the guy, the robot and the owl
Props needed: 2 chairs, sheets to cover posters, Lego, ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign, toy bow & arrow, bow & arrow, Hedwig
Costumes: Robot, owl, casual guy


Long shot guy walking downstairs
Long shot/Mid shot/track guy walking down corridor
Point of view corridor walk
Long shot guy going to open door, then going to the next one, then finally going inside one door
Mid shot guy opening door & panning to the room with the robot
Point of view of a room (Lego, Owl, etc.)
Over the shoulder of a room (empty room)
Mid shot guy going to sit on adjacent chair to robot
Close up guy sitting next to robot smirking
Close up guy waking/sobering up, thinking he is strange
Mid shot guy getting out of the room
Mid shot guy getting out of the corridor
Long shot guy running up stairs

Guitar Hero Performance

Date: 16/12/2012
Time: 11-4
Location: Rose Cottage
                        Cat & Fiddle Lane
                        West Hallam
                        De7 6HD

Actors needed: guitarist, singer and drummer
Props needed: guitar hero guitar, guitar hero microphone and guitar hero drum
Costumes: ‘Nerdy’, hoodies, casual


Close up singer
Close up drummer
Close up drum controllers
Close up guitarist
Close up guitar threat
Close up guitar
Mid shot singer
Mid shot drummer
Mid shot T.V.
Long shot whole band
Pan from band to T.V.

Close up T.V remote being sat on
Long shot of band confused to T.V being turned off
Close up on T.V remote being pressed so the channel changes
Mid shot of T.V being turned off
Mid shot of T.V with the news and adverts, then its getting changed to the game

Weather - 5 days before

1/2/2012, we are filming outside. This is the weather forecast 5 days before.
It is means to just be cloudy.

Location addresses and Bus routes

Location 1:

Rove Cottage,
Cat and Fiddle Lane,
West Hallam,
DE7 6HD.


Location 2:
Iron Gate,
DE1 3GP.
From Derby/Mansfield to location 1
From Mansfield to Derby for location 2
From Nottingham to Derby for location 2
 From Nottingham to Derby for location 2

News Report screenshot

This is a screen shot of one of the clips that will be in our music video. It's a news report, with another news report in the top right hand corner. Now there is a clock in the corner

Thursday 22 November 2012

Creating a background for the news room clip

This is the news room clip that we will be using for our music video. There is a small part of the song where it sounds as though it is a news broadcast and this will be the shot that will be shown. 

This will be the backdrop for the news broadcast. 

This will be the font that we will use for the title of the news broadcast. 

Putting both the background and the font together.

This is what the whole news broadcast scene looks like altogether with the background and the person. 

Thursday 15 November 2012

Editing a website template

Green screen practices and editing

Ideas for Fonts

This is one of the fonts that we looked at using. Reason for choosing this particular font is that it mirrors the band well as it is quite a simplistic font.

This font is similar to the previous font in the way it is simplistic. However this font looks more as if it was written out and then someone coloured it in, whereas the previous font it looks more as if it was done on a computer. 

The fonts that we have looked at they are all in some ways similar to one another as they are all simplistic, which is what we wanted to do to reflect the bands image. 

This font was chosen because it looks like someone has written it, rather than typed it but it also has a cartoon look to it. This cartoon look links in with the different shots that we will be seen throughout the music video, so for the website this font would keep that continuity style of the cartoon. 

This font (like the previous font) has the cartoon aspect of it, in which it looks as though someone has drawn it. Compared to the other font (Springtime) this font does not have that drawn look to it. 

With this font, it is possible that this one would be the one that we would use for not only the website but also for the digipak. We would use the same font for both the digipak and the website because we would want to make sure we have good continuity with what we would make. 

This font is in between the first font and also the font that we would most likely consider using. The reason being is that it has the sharpness of the first font but it also has the cartoon aspect to it as well. It also has the simplistic side in which it is not too bold, which reflects the band's style of music. 

Compared to all the other fonts that we have looked at, this one is definitely has the cartoon style to it because the font is a bubble font and within the font there is little drawn cartoons. 

With this font, it looks as though someone has drawn it. The reason why we looked at this one is because it is a font you would expect to see with something to do with cartoons. In the video there will be times when there will be shots with a robot, lego,  giant animals, etc. This font would tie in well with   the  video. 

The 'Budmo' font it links with the general theme of the video, which is distinct bold elements that are seen throughout the entire video. With the white cut outs in the font it makes it appear as something you would expect to see on a stage show. 

Thursday 8 November 2012

Production Calendar

Test Shot/ Character Design

Website Analysis - Arctic Monkeys

This is the website for Arctic Monkeys.

The band logo is in the top left hand corner which is easily can be identified as the bands main logo. Apart from the bands logo there is no images of the band that can be seen. This links in with the generic conventions of the band's genre which is indie/rock. With this particular genre, there tends not to be any images of the artists, it is mainly about their music.

The media technology that is used for promotion is the social networking link for twitter in which people can follow the band. There is also the video of the band doing a live performance which is taking up the majority of the band's home-page.

The colour and the style that is used for the band's website is just the use of two colours which is the font being in black and the background in a beige colour. This shows that the band are less focused on the image of the band and more about the quality of the music more than anything.

There is very little information about the band apart from the recent news. The recent news section of the website just allows there targeted audience to read about what it is the band are currently up to or been up to.

The use of a large font for the name of the band and a larger font for the headlines of the recent news about the band. This constructs the idea that they are more focused about their music and less about their image which is what is expected from the rock/indie genre.

The techniques that are used to target the audience is by having links to other parts of the site where the targeted audience can find more information about the band, and also there is the video of them performing live, which shows the audience what they are like live.

There is very minimal advertisement for the band, there is just the recent news up date, but it is suitable for their targeted audience as the audience are there to listen to the bands music.

Website Analysis - Boyce Avenue

This is the website for Boyce Avenue.

The band is clearly represented by having an image of the band on the home-page, this is the generic convention of the pop genre. The music that they produce is indie/pop and the outfits that the band are wearing fit in with the generic convention of indie style.

The media technology that they use is sign up for the bands newsletter, which will keep people up to date on what the band are currently doing, there is also a box about twitter that includes the recent twitter updates that the band has made, a list of the upcoming tours, and there is also an App that can be downloaded about the band that is promoted.

With the colour and the style of the site it tells us that the band are quite relaxed and the music that they produce is very chilled, nothing about their music is upbeat and fast.

The written style on the website is that it is very limited, everything about the band is in the links bar at the top of the screen. This makes it easier to access certain information about the band.

At the top of the screen the  font for the name of the band is a large font which makes it easy to identify the name of the band and underneath there is the name of their most recent album.  The layout is simplistic which reflect the music of the band, they are known for their acoustic covers of songs.

The way in which they target their audience is not only by the use of links to social networking sites, information about tours but they also have a link which allows people to visit their online store so they buy some of their merchandise.

With the advertisements, the band advertise their most recent album by putting the title of it underneath their name on the home-page, there is also the merchandise that can be accessed through their online store.

Website Analysis - Katy Perry

This is the home page website for Katy Perry.

Katy Perry is represented by the majority of images that we see are all of herself. This is a generic convention of an artist in the pop genre, that the images that we see are not based upon the music but ore based upon the image of the artist.

The technology that is used is all social networking i.e. Facebook, Twitter. However there are also links to iTunes, Spotify and Youtube, these are places that have the artists music. This is used for promotion as it targets a wider audience that can have the choice of using a variety of sites to access the artists music.

The colour scheme is all bright colours which is what is expected from Katy Perry, because that is what expected from the pop genre. The style of the site tells us that the artist is very creative as we can an image of the stage costume that she wears.

There is very little written about the artist because the information about her is in the different links that will take you to where the information is.

The font is quite bold when it wants to promote her single, but smaller font for anything else such as the Sign Up button for a newsletter. The overall layout says that the main part of the artists image is that it seems more about the artist than the actual music, which is what is expected from Katy Perry because she is known for the creative costumes.

The techniques that are used to target the audience is that the artist is clearly identified and the style of her website targets the certain audience it is she is aiming for (Teens/Young adults).

The advertisements are suitable for the target audience is that there is links to social networking, which is where most young people spend time on. There is also promotion for her latest single and where you can get  it from, but also it has a link to Youtube which is a place where people can watch the video.

Website Analysis - Florence and The Machine

This is the hompage for Florence and The Machine. The artist is represented as someone who is in the pop genre, this can be identified due to the images that we see are just of Florence Welch. The genereic conventions of the genre of music is that the bright colours and the images that we see are all of Florence Welch and no ome else. Even though the single that is being promoted features another artist we still only see Florence because she is the artist that is being mainly promoted on her website.

The media technology that Florence uses for promotion is there are links to her other social networking sites in which fans of her music can find more information about her or see what she is up to on a daily basis via twitter or Facebook. Another way in which she uses technology to promote her music is having a youtube video of her latest single that whoever goes onto the website can listen to her music.

The colour and style of the site is that she is unusual because the style of the site is very quirky and different compared to other artists in the same music genre as her. This reflects on her work as the music that she produces is of the pop genre, the sound of the music is slightly different to the generic sounds that we typically here.

With the written style it reinforces the the artisits image by making her appear as though it is just about the music. There are link boxes at the top of the homepage just underneath the imagery of her, but the kink boxes takes people to different parts of the website where you can find various information about the artist.

The font is bigger when it is talking about her music and when the single is out, however with everything else the font is smaller as it is considered less important than the promotion of her latest single. The layout is spaced out, which makes the website look more professional because it does not have all the artists information crowding the entire page.

The techniques that are used to target the audience is that of promoting her single, using social networking sites in which she can communicate with the audience, the blog that shows news about what it is that she has been doing/ what that she is going to be doing, having links to an online store in which people can buy merchandise from, and finally a link that allows people to know places that she will be performing at.

The advertisements that are used are suitable for the targeted audience which is teens/young adults. The reason why she is targeted at this particular audience is because the way in which the information that is given on the website is quite informally written and is easy to understand.

Monday 5 November 2012

Identifying the ideas for our digipak

On the front of the digipak, we would like there to be an image of the band (that are in the music video)and they will be holding or standing by the guitar hero instruments. This would mean that they are clearly identifiable and would be able to target the certain audience.  The colour scheme that we have considered using is that of either a neutral scheme, due to the influence of their recent album ‘Some Nights’ or a colour scheme that uses a lot of bright, vibrant colours that are present on their first album ‘Aim & Ignite’. Due to the song being quite an upbeat, fast-paced song which means that the colour scheme is more likely to be that of the vibrant colours to imitate the song.

With the back of the digipak the idea for it is that of guitar hero which is the basis for the first and last shots of the music video itself. The layout would be of high score board with the name of the band's different songs, being the name of the player and the score would be the length of each song. 
The meaning for this, is to keep that idea of still being in the game, which links in with the conceptual elements of the music video. 

The CD itself will be half of the robot that is featured in the music video and the other half of the CD will have the woman that the man thought he was seeing. We thought of doing this because it's simple yet effective. It's simple because it's only the robot and the woman, it's effective because it links in with the elements of the music video and this confused man's vision into what he sees. 

On the inside sleeve of the digipak it will feature the band again however instead of having the guitar hero instruments they will have the actual instruments. This will sell the artist as they will be promoted as being a band that can actually play instruments and that they make their own music. 

Thursday 1 November 2012

Evaluation of previous students work

 Y = Yes

N = NO
- = partially

Evaluation of previous work
1.     What are the technical and stylistic strengths?
2.     What are the main weaknesses
3.     Does it meet conventions and expectations of:
-       genre of music
-       mage of artist
4.     What mark would you give it?

Kate nash – merry happy

Variety of shots, editing fitted the song
Lip sync was bad
There is a love story in it
Lazbo Bane – superman

Good shots and editing
Lip sync was bad, didn’t make any sense
Rumble Strips – hands

Creative and good shots
Some pointless shots, dragged on
Crystal Castles – Not in love    

Use of props was good, the reserve editing was good, it was very creative
Got every repetitive
There was a party and sunset which is conventional
Pendulem – Showdown

Good relationship between playing guitar and guitar hero
The performance/narrative is hard to understand
Music and instruments are heard and seen at the same time, game feel to the music
Articc Monkeys – This house is a circus

Good and performance sync, good conceptual ideas
Ending is sudden
The band are playing, the clowns are there in relation to circus

Music video analysis - Lewis Shooter

In their music videos Megadeth use their performance of the song as an icon to represent them and their instruments are like a big icon in their videos because their music comes from their instruments and its important. The lead guitarist and singer, Dave Mustaine is the only band member that remained since the beginning of the band and he founded the band after being kicked out of Metallica. They have a type of mascot, which is a skeleton faced army man. Most of their videos are based in a post-industrial or post-nuclear war world.

Their music genre is thrash metal and they are one of the big four thrash metal bands along with Anthrax, Slayer and Metallica. The big four thrash metal bands simultaneously created the thrash metal genre in the 1980’s. Megadeth is known for being one of the heaviest and fastest thrash metal bands. Anthrax is well known for their consistent style of music. Slayer is known for being a load heavy band that was the main inspiration for death metal. Metallica are the most well known.
Megadeth, Peace sells, 1986

The main video is the band playing with cross cuts to news and worldwide issues.
Megadeth, Public enemy no.1, 2011

There is a performance by Dave Mustaine but the main part of the video is a short story about the criminal monkey and the police monkey chasing him.
Megadeth have progressed from making performance videos with clips from the news into making narratives along with their performance. Peace Sells has a lot of performance shots of the band, with many news clips whereas Public Enemy no.1 has hardly any performance but it has a narrative. Both the short film and the news clips show what the lyrics in the songs are about.
The genetic conventions used in Megadeths videos are dark colours, consisting of performances and the use of post nuclear/industrial war worlds. This follows the darkness and sadness in the lyrics and fits in with the fast heavy riffs played by the instruments.
Back in 1986 music videos were quite new, and most were performances and experimental clips. Now in 2012 music videos are much more structured, they usually consist of performance and a narrative. This is due to the fact music videos have been studied and made so that they are something normal and every day.
The mise en scene for the videos Megadeth have is a post nuclear world, and the band performing at a popular concert, there are a lot of close ups of Dave Mustaine playing his guitar and singing.
The artist uses effects to show the world disappearing. The editing is fast to go with the music and to show how fast the world is disappearing. The camerawork is mostly low angle shots on the band; this shows their skills and the music.
The artist relate to the news because many of their things they sing about are about a corrupt and dying world, and things that happen on the news.