Thursday 11 October 2012

The Iconography of the Album Cover - Jessica Daykin

The article ‘The Iconography of the Album Cover’ discusses how the cover for an album can use associations with what the album is about. For example, they mentioned how a powerful looking car on a hip-hop album could represent speed, power, and thrill seeking. Or it could be a connotation of conspicuous wealth and extravagance, which is usually the main convention that we expect to see on the album cover due to the style of the genre.
In the article it also mentions about how in the modern age of technology, people will tend to download a song of site such as iTunes, rather than going to a store to purchase the album itself. The designer’s perspective (Julian House) on whether the album sleeve is still has its importance now as it did in previous years, he says that even though people tend to see the album cover on the small screens on their iPods rather than a physical copy, they still need to make sure that the artwork is available to download onto iTunes for the album.
The band or artist themselves have a say in what they would like their album cover to be, such as Pink Floyd ‘The Dark Side of the Moon’ album they wanted to have a simple design for their cover instead of a photograph. In comparison to other artists covers this one in particular has no reference to the name of the band or the albums name. 

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