Thursday 11 October 2012

Music Video Analysis - Jessica Daykin

In the video Payphone – Maroon 5, the lead singer from the band is most visible because they play the banker in the video but also we see clips of him performing. For the rest of the band we do not see them perform with their instruments but there is a scene where we see the rest of them, and the scene is when the bank is being robbed. There is a part where four of the robbers are in a back room and they take of their masks and the audience is able to identify them as being the rest of the band. In this song there is also a featured artist in the song (Wiz Khalifa) who has a part of the video focused on him performing whilst still having the story line of he music video link in.

The genre that they are is a pop/rock band, they are somewhere between the two genres because they aren’t a stereotypical rock band that we see using dark colours and music that is intense but they are not a pop band where the music is quite cheery and light. There music has elements where it can be intense but they have songs that are quite catchy like pop songs. Compared with other artists in the same genre they use conventions of a rock band by showing the band performing the song with their instruments but they use conventions of the pop genre because in the music videos, for example Payphone, they have a clear story line that plays through the whole video and all the people/characters that we the audience see are all linked in with one another.

Over time Maroon 5 their videos have become much more complicated, for example in Payphone (Released 2012) they have a bank robbery, police car chase and car explosions, etc. Whereas their song Sunday Morning (Released 2009) was set in a bar where the band were performing with their instruments, and the other people that we see in the video of singing along with microphones because they are doing a karaoke.

The generic conventions that are evident from their videos is that they all have a clear story line/narrative because it is easy to understand what is happening within the video. They all have similarities within the music video which is they always show the band performing or the lead singers singing at some point.

Over time the film style has changed because the music videos they make now look more complicated, time consuming and also they look like they were produced on a larger scale compared with their previous videos. This may be due to them becoming bigger and well known band and so their videos are somewhat a reflection of their success, that they can produce a music that has so much action within it.

Conventional mise-en-scene is the lead singer exposes most of his tattoos to the camera so that they are visible to see with the clothing that he wears. With some of the other band members that we can see in the music video, either one or two of them have quite long hair, the long hair of the band members and the tattoos of the lead singer that we see in their music videos show that they do have some of the stereotypical traits that we usually expect from a rock band.

The way in which the band uses camera work to create meaning is that they use a few close-ups of the lead singer as he is usually the main character in the story line of the music video and so the close-up shows the emotions that the character is feeling. There are also a few establishing shots to show the location/environment that the video is being filmed in but also where the storyline has been set. With the editing they use fast cuts to change quickly between each of the scene. These create meaning as they build anticipation as to what is going to happen next. In other videos, if the different shots we see are quiet simplistic and there is not a lot happening within that particular scene then we tend to see quite slow transitions between the scenes which helps to create the general overall calm atmosphere of the video.

The videos that the band produce for their music video relate to other media texts such as TV Programmes or Films because there music videos have a story line that relates to the lyrics of song they are using and the scenes that we might normally see on either a television show or a film. The artist may do this because it might allow the person listening to the song to understand where the band is coming from with the lyrics that they have written for the song or the artist might have felt it was something that whoever were to watch the music video may find interesting and worth watching rather than something that was repetitive with no meaning behind it or even has nothing that relates it to the actual song. 

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