Thursday 18 October 2012

Initial Idea

There is a male person stumbling through a  corridor, trying to find a room, and in each room it has something normal in it, but he sees it as being something strange.
For example:
There's a boy playing with lego however the man sees the lego coming to life and dancing (use animation to do this).

Eventually he comes to a door and inside the room there is a cardboard robot, he sees a beautiful woman, and so he turns on 'mood lighting, however the reality is he turns the robot on. He then places a 'do not disturb' sign on the door. The man believes that their having sex but really what is happening he is just laying down on the bed with the cardboard robot next to him. When he sits up, slowly he sobers up, turns on the TV, and the realization hits him with what he has done, and then he is scared and sits on the edge of the bed.

There is a band (group of friends 3/4) are playing rock band, 1 angle is of them playing on rock band, another angle has them with real instruments and a crowd of fans, which turn out to be the band themselves.
Then there is a pan to the T.V, which has the video game playing and there is the crowd of people cheering (won't be able to hear them due to song playing).

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