Thursday 11 October 2012

Textual Analysis - Jessica Daykin

The album cover constructs the image of the musical genre because the band’s music is in the category of rock/indie pop band, and the album cover shows that it falls in the rock/indie band as the image shows two people however we cannot see the face of one of the people as it is out of shot and the other is not looking down.

It also shows how this band is in the pop genre to as the person with their head down could be the singer of the band, which is a convention that is usually common with a pop artists album cover.

The cover tells us that the music inside is aside from the norm, in a sense that the font style and the colours that are used on the album cover is vintage. With the background colour its sort of dark beige, and the font colours are all brown.

There is a consistency with the font that is used to write the title of the album at the front, with the title and the bands name at the back of the album. The track list on the back uses the same font as the writing at the bottom, which has all the details of record labels, etc. 

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