Wednesday 30 January 2013

Question 1

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? (Lewis Shooter)

Our music video is on this blog post:

We watched the music videos that the band had produced. One of the main ones we got our inspiration from is below.

We can easily compare the video produced by Fun. and our video. In the music video made by Fun. they were performing in a relatively large area and bright area. In our video the band performed in a large and bright field. Also the outfits that our band wore were partially inspired by this, because they're wearing smart casual clothes.
In the music video produced by Fun. they used many close up and mid shots of their singer, so we used that in our music video. We used close ups and mid shots regularly, like Fun. did in their video.
In Fun.'s music video they included a variety of close up and mid shots of the drummer and the guitarist. We decided to include more close ups and mid shots of our guitarist and drummer to let the audience know that the band are playing the music.
In the music video by Fun. they have a narrative alongside their performance, and they regularly cut to it. Our music video regularly cuts to the narrative. This also is a similar camera angle and movement.
During the narrative in Fun.'s video they are being represented by pinata's, so we decided to work with the idea of changing the band into lego.
Our band was based on the actual band, three band members, one singer, one guitarist and one drummer.

We looked at other indie videos, and this video by the hoosiers inspired us.

The hoosiers video really helped us choose some camera angles and movements, for example the guitar close ups.
The hoosiers video concentrates on the singer more than the drummer and guitarist, we did this by almost completely concentrating on the singer and inter-cutting it with the narrative.
The hoosiers video also inspired the mid shots and close ups of our drummer.
The hoosiers video uses a mid/close up tracking shot and that was partially the inspiration for the mid tracking shot we used in our narrative.
The hoosiers lead singer wore and outfit that helped inspire the smart casual outfits we used for our performance.

By Lewis Shooter

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