Thursday 20 December 2012

Adding the narrative to the main video

Both the narrative and performance are edited and now we are mixing them together

The Website

This is what the website looks like, it's not completed the only thing that needs changing is the video. When the video has been completed that is when we will put that one the website replacing the video that is already there. There is a continuity running through both the digipak and the website which is the  collage background.

Outside of the Digipak

This is what the outside of the digipak looks like. On the front there is a clear image of the band, with the name of the band underneath so that they are easily identifiable.

Inside of the Digipak

This is what the digipak looks like now after adding the collage of photos for the c.d. design.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Producing the animation

I placed all the images into power director and produced the animation into a MOV. file so we can edit the video

Editing pictures

Making a bad code for the digipak
and making a twitter like feed for the website

Editing the Inside and Outside of Digipak

This is what the DigiPak looks like so far, all that we have left to add are more images of the band. The front cover of the digipak will be a montage/collage of images of the band. The design that will be on the front cover will also be the background for the band website.

Monday 10 December 2012

Editing the inside of the digipak

This is what the inside cover of the digipak looks like currently. The photo with the band is two photos.   The person in the middle was edited into this image because he had his eyes open, and in this photo the rest of the band had their eyes open. On the actual CD there is an image of the robot, which is taking up  half of the CD and we are still yet to decide what will take up the other half of the CD.

Editing the performance

Thursday 6 December 2012

Editing the digipak

This is part of the digipak so far. The photo of the amp is the back cover of the digipak and the photo of the band might be on the inside cover of the digipak.

Monday 3 December 2012

Putting footage on to the computer

We started to upload the filming onto the computer but there was problems and its all in the 'trash'

Editing the digipak

This is one of the photos that we are using for the digipak. The only problem is that the person in the middle has his eyes closed and in the other photo we have of the band he has his eyes open, however the two either side both have them closed. The idea that we got was to crop the person from the photo with the eyes open and replace him with the photo of the person with the eyes closed.

Even though he looks slightly redder than the others it just seems better that they all have their eyes open, and none of them are closed. This will be either in the inside cover or the front, it is likely that it will be on the inside. There might still need to be some more editing on the person to make him a similar colour to the other people in the photo.

Editing pictures

For the website I edited some pictures

Adding things to the website

After creating a rough template we have started to add photos to the website